965 61 71 02 - Plaza España, 1 - Oficinas en Avda. Foia de Castalla, 10 - 03109 TIBI ajuntament@tibi.es


The magic of Christmas is about to envelop Tibi, and what better way to celebrate than by uniting hearts and talents. This year, we want to invite you all to participate in our Christmas contest, where creativity and joy will intertwine to create unforgettable moments.

Have you ever felt the excitement of sharing Christmas with your community? This is the perfect time to do it. We want every street, every corner of our beloved town to be illuminated with the Christmas spirit. We all have something special to contribute, whether through bright decorations, traditional recipes, or even stories that fill us with warmth.

This contest is not only about winning prizes, but about building memories that will last over time. Imagine the shine in the children’s eyes when sharing their Christmas cards, when decorating them as a family. The magic is in everyone’s participation, in the union of our hands and hearts.

So join us in this beautiful celebration! No matter how big or small your ideas are, each contribution adds up and makes our town shine with its own light. Let’s build together an unforgettable Christmas, full of love, solidarity and special moments.

V Concurso Tarjetas de Navidad